In order to make life easier for Videora users and all RSS Video aggregator developers, it would be nice if the sites offering RSS feeds followed a simple convention when referring to files in
their RSS feeds. To be clear, the following is a proposal to change the information found in the <title> tags of an RSS feed, NOT to change the actual filenames.
Right now many feeds use different conventions like:
[Full Group] Title [Episode Number] (HDTV) (RAW) - Saiyaman
Title [Episode Number] [Abbreviated Group] - Animesuki
[Full Group] (DVD) Title [Episode Number] - Baka-Updates
While it is simple for humans to differentiate between these titles, it is difficult for a computer to do so without doing some heavy string processing on every title it sees. There is a way to
make this task simpler for a computer and that is by everyone following a simple convention which I have called GART.
All feeds which follow GART would have their title follow the following convention:
Title [Episode Number] (Quality) (Full Group) (Extras)
[] - indicates mandatory fields
() - indicates optional fields
Quality - Examples: DVD, HDTV
Full Group - Full group name. Example: use AnimeOne and NOT AonE
Extras - Example: RAW
Whether this information is presented in parenthesis or square brackets or with dashes doesn't matter, as long as the titles always follow this specific order of GART any computer program will
be able to easily find the right anime to download.
GART Examples:
One Piece 214 [HDTV] [SaiyaMan] RAW
Naruto 115 [SaiyaMan] RAW
Monster 34 [Anime-Kraze]
Macross Zero 5 (DVD) [ANBU-AnimeOne]